2017 Mo-99 Topical Meeting
Sept. 10-13, 2017 — Montreal Marriott Chateau Champlain, Montreal, QC Canada
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Mo-99 2017 Papers & Presentations
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Below you will find the topical meeting list of available papers and presentations. All documents are available for download in pdf format. We will continue to post missing documents which have been cleared for public distribution here. Stay tuned for updates.
The table listing the documents can be sorted: click on the headers to sort columns in alphabetical order.
# | Paper/Presentation Title | Presenter | Affiliation | Topic |
S1-P1 | Natural Resources Canada Welcome | Niall O'Dea | NRCan | Opening Plenary Session: Supporting a Reliable, Non-HEU Mo-99 Supply |
S1-P2 | DOE/NNSA Welcome | Pete Hanlon | DOE-NNSA | Opening Plenary Session: Supporting a Reliable, Non-HEU Mo-99 Supply |
S1-P3 | Status of NTP's Conversion Programme Abstract [ 23K B, posted: Sep. 18, 2017 ] | Presentation [ 916K B, posted: Sep. 18, 2017 ] |
Gavin Ball | NTP | Opening Plenary Session: Supporting a Reliable, Non-HEU Mo-99 Supply |
S1-P4 | Economics of Mo-99 | Jan Willem Velthuijsen | PWC | Opening Plenary Session: Supporting a Reliable, Non-HEU Mo-99 Supply |
S2-P1 | Update on OECD's High Level Group on Medical Radioisotopes | Jeff Chamberlin | NNSA | Economics of the Mo-99 Supply Chain |
S2-P2 | 2017 Medical Isotope Supply Review: Mo-99/Tc-99m Market Demand and Production Capacity Projection 2017-2022 Abstract [ 23K B, posted: Sep. 18, 2017 ] | Presentation [ 457K B, posted: Sep. 18, 2017 ] |
Kevin Charlton | OECD | Economics of the Mo-99 Supply Chain |
S2-P3 | A Risk Analysis of the Mo-99 Supply Chain Using Bayesian Networks Abstract [ 22K B, posted: Sep. 18, 2017 ] | Presentation [ 1.1M B, posted: Sep. 18, 2017 ] |
Jeff Liang | GWU | Economics of the Mo-99 Supply Chain |
S2-P4 | ANSTO Nuclear Medicine: Reliable and Timely Global Supply of Mo-99 Globally Abstract [ 23K B, posted: Sep. 18, 2017 ] | Presentation [ 4.5M B, posted: Sep. 18, 2017 ] |
Jayne Senior | ANSTO | Economics of the Mo-99 Supply Chain |
S3-P1 | Enough Already: No New Licenses for HEU-Based Tc-99m Abstract [ 22K B, posted: Sep. 18, 2017 ] | Presentation [ 562K B, posted: Sep. 18, 2017 ] |
Miles Pomper | CNS | Minimizing HEU and Stabilizing Mo-99 Supply |
S3-P2 | Establishing Reliable, Non-HEU Supplies of Mo-99 Production in the United States | Peter Karcz | NNSA | Minimizing HEU and Stabilizing Mo-99 Supply |
S3-P3 | Establishment of LEU-Based Mo-99 Production Capacity at IRE Abstract [ 23K B, posted: Sep. 18, 2017 ] | Presentation [ 1.3M B, posted: Sep. 18, 2017 ] |
Valery Host | IRE | Minimizing HEU and Stabilizing Mo-99 Supply |
S3-P4 | Securing Mo-99 Supply for LEU TechneLite® Generator Abstract [ 23K B, posted: Sep. 18, 2017 ] | Presentation [ 515K B, posted: Sep. 18, 2017 ] |
Ira Goldman | LMI | Minimizing HEU and Stabilizing Mo-99 Supply |
S3-P5 | Challenges and Opportunities on the Path to LEU Conversion Abstract [ 22K B, posted: Sep. 18, 2017 ] | Presentation [ 378K B, posted: Sep. 18, 2017 ] |
Roy Brown | Curium | Minimizing HEU and Stabilizing Mo-99 Supply |
S4-P1 | Next Generation Mo-99 Production: SHINE Update Abstract [ 23K B, posted: Sep. 18, 2017 ] | Presentation [ 87M B, posted: Sep. 21, 2017 ] |
Katrina Pitas | SHINE | Production Projects and Technologies I |
S4-P2 | Update on Domestic Production of Mo-99 via Neutron Capture Abstract [ 23K B, posted: Sep. 18, 2017 ] | Presentation [ 2.0M B, posted: Sep. 21, 2017 ] |
Jim Harvey | NorthStar | Production Projects and Technologies I |
S4-P3 | Reactor-Based Mo-99 Supply Using Selective Gas Extraction: Update 2017 Mo-99 Topical Meeting Abstract [ 23K B, posted: Sep. 18, 2017 ] | Presentation [ 761K B, posted: Sep. 21, 2017 ] |
Kathy Murray | GA | Production Projects and Technologies I |
S4-P4 | Overview and Status of Coqui RadioPharmaceuticals Corp. Abstract [ 597K B, posted: Aug. 08, 2017 ] | Presentation [ 2.0M B, posted: Sep. 21, 2017 ] |
Carmen Bigles | Coqui | Production Projects and Technologies I |
S4-P5 | Northwest Medical Isotopes, LLC Project Overview and Status Abstract [ 21K B, posted: Sep. 18, 2017 ] | Presentation [ 5.4M B, posted: Sep. 21, 2017 ] |
Carolyn Haass | NWMI | Production Projects and Technologies I |
S5-P1 | Opportunities and Approaches for Supplying Mo-99 and Associated Medical Isotopes to Global Markets | Ourania Kosti | NAS | Opportunities and Alternatives to Guarantee Mo-99 Supply |
S5-P2 | A Survey of Active Clinical Trials Using SPECT Imaging | Jeff Norenberg | Univ. of New Mexico | Opportunities and Alternatives to Guarantee Mo-99 Supply |
S5-P3 | Can the SPECT Nuclear Imaging Modality Be Sustained? The Impact of New Technology, Government and International Regulations, Egregious Price Increases and Collapsing Reimbursement Structures on the Nuclear Imaging Space | Leah Gannon | Vizient | Opportunities and Alternatives to Guarantee Mo-99 Supply |
S5-P4 | Is the Global Shortage of Mo-99 Over? Abstract [ 23K B, posted: Sep. 18, 2017 ] | Presentation [ 1.6M B, posted: Sep. 25, 2017 ] | Paper [ 57K B, posted: Nov. 21, 2017 ] |
Orhan Suleiman | Consultant | Opportunities and Alternatives to Guarantee Mo-99 Supply |
S6-P1 | Argonne National Laboratory Expertise and Capabilities Abstract [ 27K B, posted: Sep. 18, 2017 ] | Presentation [ 4.2M B, posted: Sep. 21, 2017 ] |
Amanda Youker | ANL | U.S. Laboratory Structure and Support Capacities |
S6-P2 | Los Alamos National Laboratory Capabilities to Support the Development of Domestic Mo-99 Production Abstract [ 92K B, posted: Aug. 08, 2017 ] | Presentation [ 3.1M B, posted: Sep. 21, 2017 ] |
Joetta Goda | LANL | U.S. Laboratory Structure and Support Capacities |
S6-P3 | Savannah River National Laboratory: Science and Technology for National Challenges Abstract [ 34K B, posted: Sep. 18, 2017 ] | Presentation [ 4.3M B, posted: Sep. 21, 2017 ] |
Anita Poore | SRNL | U.S. Laboratory Structure and Support Capacities |
S6-P4 | Y-12 National Security Site Capabilities and Expertise Related to Mo-99 Abstract [ 30K B, posted: Sep. 18, 2017 ] | Presentation [ 5.3M B, posted: Sep. 21, 2017 ] |
Lloyd Jollay | Y-12 | U.S. Laboratory Structure and Support Capacities |
S6-P5 | Oak Ridge National Laboratory: Research and Development Capabilities Abstract [ 22K B, posted: Sep. 18, 2017 ] | Presentation [ 10M B, posted: Oct. 12, 2017 ] |
Chris Bryan | ORNL | U.S. Laboratory Structure and Support Capacities |
S7-P1 | Technical Aspects of Non-HEU Mo-99 and Tc-99m Production: An IAEA Update Abstract [ 28K B, posted: Sep. 18, 2017 ] | Presentation [ 1.8M B, posted: Sep. 21, 2017 ] |
Joao Osso | IAEA | Production Projects and Technologies II |
S7-P2 | A New Paradigm for Mo-99/Tc-99m Supply Abstract [ 22K B, posted: Sep. 18, 2017 ] | Presentation [ 774K B, posted: Sep. 21, 2017 ] |
Mark de Jong | CIIC | Production Projects and Technologies II |
S7-P3 | Development of Fission Mo-99 Production System and Facility for the KJRR of Korea Abstract [ 65K B, posted: Aug. 08, 2017 ] | Presentation [ 2.5M B, posted: Sep. 21, 2017 ] |
Seung-Kon Lee | KAERI | Production Projects and Technologies II |
S7-P4 | Medical Isotope Production in Liquid-Fluoride Reactors Abstract [ 25K B, posted: Sep. 18, 2017 ] | Presentation [ 7.8M B, posted: Sep. 21, 2017 ] |
Kirk Sorenson | Flibe | Production Projects and Technologies II |
S8-P1 | UPPI LEU Walk: Implementation Strategy on the Verge of a Supply Chain Converted to Non-HEU Medical Isotopes Abstract [ 23K B, posted: Sep. 18, 2017 ] | Presentation [ 1.7M B, posted: Sep. 21, 2017 ] |
John Witkowski | UPPI | Transition and Regulation |
S8-P2 | U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Activities Related to the Establishment of Mo-99 Production in the United States Abstract [ 91K B, posted: Aug. 07, 2017 ] | Presentation [ 215K B, posted: Sep. 21, 2017 ] |
Steven Lynch | NRC | Transition and Regulation |
S8-P3 | The Drug Regulatory Pathway to LEU Conversion Abstract [ 23K B, posted: Sep. 18, 2017 ] | Presentation [ 237K B, posted: Sep. 21, 2017 ] |
Roy Brown | Curium | Transition and Regulation |
S9-P1 | Development of Accelerator-Based Production of Mo-99 Abstract [ 27K B, posted: Sep. 18, 2017 ] | Presentation [ 2.4M B, posted: Sep. 21, 2017 ] |
Sergey Chemerisov | ANL | State of Technology Development I |
S9-P2 | Demonstration of Multi-physics (MCNP + Multiphase CFD) Calculation for Accelerator-Driven LEU Solution Based Mo-99 Production Abstract [ 24K B, posted: Aug. 08, 2017 ] | Presentation [ 3.4M B, posted: Sep. 21, 2017 ] |
Seung Jun Kim | LANL | State of Technology Development I |
S9-P3 | Photonuclear Production of Mo-99/Tc-99m Using Mo Trioxide and Activated Carbon Abstract [ 23K B, posted: Aug. 08, 2017 ] | Presentation [ 1.4M B, posted: Oct. 04, 2017 ] |
Jaewoong Jang | Univ. of Tokyo | State of Technology Development I |
S9-P4 | Updates on Engineering Development of Mo-100 targets for the Production of Mo-99 | Keith Woloshun | LANL | State of Technology Development I |
S10-P1 | Los Alamos National Laboratory Support for Domestic Mo-99 Production Abstract [ 96K B, posted: Aug. 08, 2017 ] | Presentation [ 2.6M B, posted: Sep. 21, 2017 ] |
Greg Dale | LANL | State of Technology Development II |
S10-P2 | Progress Toward Mitigating Uranyl Peroxide Precipitation and Controlling Pu Behavior on Titania Abstract [ 27K B, posted: Sep. 18, 2017 ] | Presentation [ 605K B, posted: Sep. 21, 2017 ] | Paper [ 324K B, posted: Nov. 21, 2017 ] |
Amanda Youker | ANL | State of Technology Development II |
S10-P3 | Update on Large-scale Chemical Processing for Neutron Capture and Accelerator Driven Production of Mo-99 Abstract [ 41K B, posted: Sep. 18, 2017 ] | Presentation [ 3.5M B, posted: Sep. 21, 2017 ] |
Peter Tkac | ANL | State of Technology Development II |
S10-P4 | Implementation of Cyclotron-Produced Tc-99m Abstract [ 75K B, posted: Sep. 18, 2017 ] | Presentation [ 2.2M B, posted: Sep. 25, 2017 ] |
Paul Schaffer | ITAP | State of Technology Development II |
List last updated Nov. 21, 2017 |
Please address inquiries about the Mo-99 2017 technical program to:
Dr. John W. Holland
Argonne National Laboratory
9700 South Cass Avenue, Building 208
Argonne, Illinois 60439-4815
Phone: +1 (630) 252-3079
Fax: +1 (630) 252-5161
Send e-mail
Mo-99 2017 News:
Nov. 21, 2017 — Mo-99 2017 Abstracts and Presentations now available: Mo-99 2017 abstracts and papers are now available for download… View »
May 05, 2017 —Mo-99 2017 Announced: Mo-99 2017 will be held in Montreal, QC Canada, September 10-13, 2017.
For more information:
Technical Questions:
For further information and questions please contact:
John Holland
Argonne National Laboratory
Send e-mail
Administrative Questions:
Mrs. Karen Grudzinski
Argonne National Laboratory
9700 South Cass Avenue, Building 208
Lemont, Illinois 60439-4815, U.S.A.
Phone: +1 (630) 252-1671
Fax: +1 (630) 252-5161
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Download the 2017 Topical Meeting Papers & Presentations now