2016 Mo-99 Topical Meeting

Sept. 11-14, 2016 — The Ritz-Carlton, St. Louis, Missouri

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Mo-99 2016 Papers & Presentations

This report was prepared as an account of work sponsored by an agency of the United States Government. Neither the United States Government nor any agency thereof, nor The University of Chicago, nor any of their employees or officers, makes any warranty, express or implied, or assumes any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information, apparatus, product, or process disclosed, or represents that its use would not infringe privately owned rights. Reference herein to any specific commercial product, process, or service by trade name, trademark, manufacturer, or otherwise, does not necessarily constitute or imply its endorsement, recommendation, or favoring by the United States Government or any agency thereof. The views and opinions of document authors expressed herein do not necessarily state or reflect those of the United States Government or any agency thereof, Argonne National Laboratory, or The University of Chicago.

Below you will find the topical meeting list of available papers and presentations. All documents are available for download in pdf format. We will continue to post missing documents which have been cleared for public distribution here. Stay tuned for updates.

The table listing the documents can be sorted: click on the headers to sort columns in alphabetical order.

# Paper/Presentation Title Presenter Affiliation Topic
S1-P1 DOE-NNSA Welcome Hanlon, P. DOE-NNSA Plenary Session
S1-P2 White House Message Heavner, M. OSTP Plenary Session

MURR Welcome

Butler, M. MURR Plenary Session
S1-P4 Mallinckrodt Welcome Brague, D. Mallinckrodt Plenary Session
S2-P1 Ensuring Mo-99 Availability for Patient Care Schwarz, S. Washington University Dual Objectives – Meeting Patient Needs and Eliminating the Use of HEU in Civilian Applications
S2-P2 Impact of Disruptions in the Tc-99m Supply Chain on Cardiac Testing
Abstract [ 45KB, posted: Sep. 06, 2016] | Presentation [1.9MB, posted: Sep. 26, 2016]
Murthy, V. University of Michigan Dual Objectives – Meeting Patient Needs and Eliminating the Use of HEU in Civilian Applications
S2-P3 Establishing Reliable Supplies of Non-HEU Mo-99 in the United States Chamberlin, J. DOE-NNSA

Dual Objectives – Meeting Patient Needs and Eliminating the Use of HEU in Civilian Applications

S2-P4 Promises, Promises: HEU Minimization in Mo-99 Production and the Nuclear Security Summits
Abstract [ 22KB, posted: Sep. 06, 2016] | Presentation [111KB, posted: Sep. 26, 2016]
Pomper, M. JMCNS

Dual Objectives – Meeting Patient Needs and Eliminating the Use of HEU in Civilian Applications

S3-P1 State of Molybdenum-99 Production and Utilization and Progress towards Eliminating Use of Highly Enriched Uranium Crowley, K. NAS Progress Toward Sustainable Supplies of Non-HEU Mo-99
S3-P2 2016 Medical Isotope Supply Review: 99Mo/99mTc Market Demand and Production Capacity Projection 2016-2021
Abstract [ 87KB, posted: Sep. 06, 2016] | Presentation [563KB, posted: Sep. 26, 2016]
Charlton, K. OECD-NEA Progress Toward Sustainable Supplies of Non-HEU Mo-99
S3-P3 National Research Universal 99Mo Production
Abstract [ 23KB, posted: Sep. 06, 2016] | Presentation [320KB, posted: Sep. 26, 2016]
Osborne, J. AECL Progress Toward Sustainable Supplies of Non-HEU Mo-99
S3-P4 Reactor-Based Mo-99 Supply Using Selective Gas Extraction: Update
Abstract [ 23KB, posted: Sep. 06, 2016] | Presentation [6.7MB, posted: Sep. 26, 2016]
Back, C. GA Progress Toward Sustainable Supplies of Non-HEU Mo-99
S4-P1 Outlook for Future Mo-99 Supply
Abstract [ 21KB, posted: Sep. 06, 2016] | Presentation [138KB, posted: Sep. 26, 2016]
Guastella, M. CRR Progress Toward Sustainable Supplies of Non-HEU Mo-99
S4-P2 Development of Fission-Based Mo-99 Production Process and Facility in Korea
Abstract [ 42KB, posted: Sep. 06, 2016] | Presentation [4.1MB, posted: Sep. 26, 2016]
Lee, S.-K. KAERI Progress Toward Sustainable Supplies of Non-HEU Mo-99
S4-P3 UPPI LEU Walk: Implementing a Lean Business Model Canvas to Support Client Transition to non-HEU Medical Isotopes
Abstract [ 22KB, posted: Sep. 06, 2016] | Presentation [2.5MB, posted: Sep. 26, 2016]
Witkowski, J. UPI, LLC Progress Toward Sustainable Supplies of Non-HEU Mo-99
S4-P4 Status of NTP’s Conversion Programme
Abstract [ 23KB, posted: Sep. 06, 2016] | Presentation [3.0MB, posted: Sep. 26, 2016]
Ball, G. NTP Progress Toward Sustainable Supplies of Non-HEU Mo-99
S5-P1 The Path to Conversion of Low Enriched Uranium (LEU) for the Production of Mo-99
Abstract [ 23KB, posted: Sep. 06, 2016] | Presentation [1.0MB, posted: Sep. 26, 2016]
Brown, R. Mallinckrodt Industry Perspectives
S5-P2 Triad Isotopes, Inc. Perspectives and Efforts of a Nuclear Pharmacy to Support the Use of non-HEU Mo-99 for Tc-99m Compounded Patient Preparations
Abstract [ 42KB, posted: Sep. 06, 2016] | Presentation [364KB, posted: Sep. 27, 2016]
Gattas, F. Triad Industry Perspectives
S5-P3 The Role Group Purchasing Organizations Can Take in Creating Early Adopters of Non-HEU in the Medical Community Gannon, L. Vizient Industry Perspectives
S5-P4 Cardinal Health Nuclear Pharmacy Services Perspectives on the Reliable Supply of Molybdenum-99
Abstract [ 24KB, posted: Sep. 06, 2016] | Presentation [458KB, posted: Sep. 27, 2016]
Pellicciarini, D. Cardinal Health Industry Perspectives
S6-P1 Progress on LEU TechneLite® Generators
Abstract [ 23KB, posted: Sep. 06, 2016] | Presentation [422KB, posted: Sep. 27, 2016]
Goldman, I. Lantheus Current and Future Supply Chain Outlook
S6-P2 Niowave's Domestic Production of Mo-99 from LEU without a Nuclear Reactor
Abstract [ 23KB, posted: Sep. 06, 2016] | Presentation [4.3MB, posted: Sep. 27, 2016]
Grimm, T. Niowave Current and Future Supply Chain Outlook
S6-P3 Status of Mo-99 Production in the Russian Federation
Presentation [ 648KB, posted: Oct. 10, 2016 ]
Vakulenko, A. JSC Isotope Current and Future Supply Chain Outlook
S6-P4 Northwest Medical Isotopes, LLC Project Overview and Status
Abstract [ 21KB, posted: Sep. 06, 2016] | Presentation [659KB, posted: Sep. 27, 2016]
Haass, C. NWMI Current and Future Supply Chain Outlook
S7-P1 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Licensing Activities Related to Molybdenum-99 Production
Abstract [ 23KB, posted: Sep. 06, 2016] | Paper [ 92KB, posted: Sep. 06, 2016] | Presentation [237KB, posted: Sep. 27, 2016]
Adams, A./ Lynch, S. US NRC Regulatory Perspectives and Best Practices
S7-P2 FDA Developments
Presentation [270KB, posted: Sep. 27, 2016]
Christodolou, D. FDA Regulatory Perspectives and Best Practices
S7-P3 An Update on Regulatory and Clinical Efforts in Route to Commercialization of Cyclotron-Produced Tc-99m
Abstract [ 51KB, posted: Sep. 06, 2016] | Presentation [1.8MB, posted: Sep. 27, 2016]
Schaffer, P. TRIUMF Regulatory Perspectives and Best Practices
S7-P4 Technical Aspects of Non-HEU Mo-99 & Tc-99m Production: An IAEA Update
Abstract [ 28KB, posted: Sep. 06, 2016] | Presentation [1.6MB, posted: Sep. 27, 2016]
Dix, J. IAEA Regulatory Perspectives and Best Practices
S8-P1 Coqui RadioPharmaceuticals Corp., Progress and Perspective on the U.S. Domestic Supply of Mo-99
Abstract [ 23KB, posted: Sep. 06, 2016
Bigles, C.


Current and Future Supply Chain Outlook
S8-P2 ANSTO Nuclear Medicine Towards a Reliable Supply of Mo-99
Abstract [ 22KB, posted: Sep. 06, 2016] | Presentation [2.5MB, posted: Sep. 27, 2016]
Senior, J. ANSTO Current and Future Supply Chain Outlook
S8-P3 Status of Domestic Production of Mo99 via Neutron Capture
Abstract [ 22KB, posted: Sep. 06, 2016] | Presentation [2.0MB, posted: Sep. 27, 2016]
Harvey, J. NorthStar Current and Future Supply Chain Outlook
S8-P4 IRE Ongoing Effort to Develop Reliable LEU Mo-99 Supply
Abstract [ 23KB, posted: Sep. 06, 2016] | Presentation [1.0MB, posted: Sep. 27, 2016]
Host, V. IRE Current and Future Supply Chain Outlook
S8-P5 Next Generation Mo-99 Production: SHINE Update
Abstract [ 23KB, posted: Sep. 06, 2016] | Presentation [1.6MB, posted: Sep. 27, 2016]
Pitas, K. SHINE Current and Future Supply Chain Outlook
S9-P1 Waste Management Strategies for Accelerator Production of Mo-99
Abstract [ 22KB, posted: Sep. 06, 2016]
Rudisill, T. SRNL Poster Session
S9-P2 Improvement on Manufacturing Process for Atomized UAlx Powder
Abstract [ 22KB, posted: Sep. 06, 2016]
Lee, K. KAERI Poster Session
S9-P3 Remotely Operated Systems for Primary Recovery of 99Mo from Accelerator-Driven Sub-Critical Fission of LEU
Abstract [ 26KB, posted: Sep. 06, 2016]
Krebs, J. ANL Poster Session
S9-P4 Magnetic Production Plant of 99Mo and 99Tc via Proton Chain-reactions in Strong Focusing MOLYTRON Reactor and its Automatic Magnetic Extraction and Separation
Abstract [ 35KB, posted: Sep. 06, 2016]
Maglich, B. CSE Corp. Poster Session
S9-P5 Optimization of the Dissolution of Mo Disks
Abstract [ 44KB, posted: Sep. 06, 2016] | Paper [920KB, posted: Sep. 30, 2016]
Rotsch, D. ANL Poster Session
S9-P6 Uranium Concentration Measurement Development of a Routine Spectroscopic Analysis Technique
Abstract [ 24KB, posted: Sep. 06, 2016]
May, I. LANL Poster Session
S9-P7 100Mo to 99Mo Production Target Design and Testing Updates
Abstract [ 24KB, posted: Sep. 06, 2016]
Woloshun, K. LANL Poster Session
S9-P8 Gamma Irradiation Facility Exposure of Candidate Materials for the SHINE Subcritical Assembly Vessel and Components
Abstract [ 23KB, posted: Sep. 06, 2016]
Burns, Z. ORNL Poster Session
S9-P9 Generator of Highly Concentrated Pure 99mTc from Low Specific Activity 99Mo Produced by Reactor and/or Electron Linear Accelerator
Abstract [ 30KB, posted: Sep. 06, 2016] | Paper [837KB, posted: Sep. 06, 2016]
Tatenuma, K. Kaken Poster Session
S9-P10 HANARO Irradiation Test of UAlx Dispersion Target Developed by KAERI
Abstract [ 22KB, posted: Sep. 06, 2016]
Jeong, Y. KAERI Poster Session
S9-P11 Stack Data Upload Experiment
Abstract [ 40KB, posted: Sep. 06, 2016]
Doll, C. PNNL Poster Session
S10-P1 Waste Forms for the Immobilization of Enriched Uranium Waste Streams from Mo-99 Production
Abstract [ 22KB, posted: Sep. 06, 2016] | Presentation [1.3MB, posted: Sep. 27, 2016]
Vance, L. ANSTO State of Technology Development
S10-P2 Chemical Processing for a Non-uranium Production of 99Mo/99mTc
Abstract [ 25KB, posted: Sep. 06, 2016] | Paper [1.0MB, posted: Sep. 30, 2016] | Presentation [1.8MB, posted: Sep. 27, 2016]
Tkac, P. ANL State of Technology Development
S10-P3 Accelerator-Driven Production of Fission 99Mo
Abstract [ 26KB, posted: Sep. 06, 2016] | Paper [200KB, posted: Sep. 08, 2016] | Presentation [2.5MB, posted: Sep. 27, 2016]
Youker, A. ANL State of Technology Development
S10-P4 Irradiation Capsules with Suspended LEU UO2 Particles for 99Mo Production
Abstract [ 23KB, posted: Sep. 06, 2016] | Paper [670KB, posted: Sep. 08, 2016] | Presentation [1.3MB, posted: Sep. 27, 2016]
Pasqualini, E. CNEA State of Technology Development
S10-P5 Recent Activities at Los Alamos National Laboratory Supporting Domestic Production of Mo-99
Abstract [ 38KB, posted: Sep. 06, 2016] | Presentation [2.9MB, posted: Sep. 27, 2016]
Dale, G. LANL State of Technology Development
S11-P1 Accelerator-Pathway for 99Mo Production without Highly Enriched Uranium
Abstract [ 26KB, posted: Sep. 06, 2016] | Paper [ 725K B, posted: Feb. 15, 2017 ]| Presentation [2.2MB, posted: Sep. 27, 2016]
Chemerisov, S. ANL State of Technology Development
S11-P2 Production of 100Mo for Cyclotron Conversion to 99mTc
Abstract [ 23KB, posted: Sep. 06, 2016] | Paper [780KB, posted: Sep. 06, 2016] | Presentation [919KB, posted: Sep. 27, 2016]
Strydom, H. Klydon State of Technology Development
S11-P3 Powder Metallurgy Molybdenum Accelerator Target Materials and Assemblies
Abstract [ 23KB, posted: Sep. 06, 2016] | Presentation [3.1MB, posted: Sep. 27, 2016]
Lowden, R. ORNL State of Technology Development
S11-P4 Measurement of Trace Alpha-Emitting Actinide Contaminants in Molybdenum-99
Abstract [ 23KB, posted: Sep. 06, 2016] | Presentation [538KB, posted: Sep. 27, 2016]
Soderquist, C. PNNL State of Technology Development
List last updated Feb. 15, 2017


Please address inquiries about the Mo-99 2016 technical program to:
Dr. John W. Holland
Argonne National Laboratory
9700 South Cass Avenue, Building 208
Argonne, Illinois 60439-4815
Phone: +1 (630) 252-3079
Fax: +1 (630) 252-5161


2016 Mo-99 Topical Meeting

Mo-99 2016 News:

Sep. 07, 2016Update:
Technical Program

Jun. 02, 2016Important Deadlines:
Abstract and Publication Release Submittal: Aug. 8 
Full Paper Submittal: Sept. 5
Registration: Sept. 1
Hotel Reservation: Aug. 11

Sep. 28, 2016 Mo-99 2016 Abstracts and Presentations now available: Mo-99 2016 abstracts and papers are now available for download… View »

For more information:

Technical Questions:
For further information and questions please contact:

John Holland
Argonne National Laboratory

Administrative Questions:
Mrs. Karen Grudzinski
Argonne National Laboratory
9700 South Cass Avenue, Building 208
Lemont, Illinois 60439-4815, U.S.A.
Phone: +1 (630) 252-1671
Fax: +1 (630) 252-5161


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